Climate Change Speaker
Senior Research Scientist
Global Weather Oscillations, Inc.
Email: dilley@GlobalWeatherOscillations.com
*GWO is a privately funded corporation
No affiliations with energy companies, political groups or government grants
New Presentations by Professor Dilley
1. Presents Proof
Rise in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
is "nearly 80% Natural"
Based On: Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
and Professor Dilley's Research
2. Signals: Global Cooling is Beginning in Earnest
a. El Nino changing atmospheric circulation
b. North Pacific Ocean Cool Phase now Beginning and Changing
Weather Patterns
c. Electromagnet ClimatePulse - Cooling North and South Poles
Contact Professor Dilley to Arrange
In-Person Talk or Online Presentation
Invite Prof. Dilley here
Also See Professor Dilley's Video in the Video section - most Powerful Minutes 18 through 31
Natural Carbon Dioxide is Now 380 PPM
Has Occurred Repeatedly During Past 500,000 Years
From Peer Reviewed Research Papers
and Professor Dilley's Research
- Findings -
Research describes an error by NOAA in measuring Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Isotopes. The infrared spectrometer does not separate the 3 Carbon Dioxide Isotopes (12.13.14). NOAA utilizes an algebraic formula in an attempt to distinguish how much of the carbon dioxide is carbon 12,13 or 14. It is not a direct measurement. The new research found a simple error and assumption in NOAA's algebraic formula. The corrected formula proves that the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide since the year 1750 - is at least 77% Natural and only 23% anthropogenic. NOAA's uncorrected formula falsely indicates that the rise in carbon dioxide since 1850 is 100% Fossil Fuel.
Total atmospheric concentrations are 88% Natural and only 12% anthropogenic Fossil - Far too Little to Cause Climate Change.
Speaking Topics
ClimatePulse Technology
Hurricane Predictions and Landfall Cycles - severe 2021
Sea level Rises - why they will not rise between 2025-2065
Climate Cycles - the Unexpected Climate Disaster 2030-2040
New Facts and Predictions
Why Sea Levels Will Not Rise after 2025
Climate Change though 2065
Prof. Dilley's New Video on the Video Page

Speaking Presentations -
2022 Numerous Climate Change - in Person Presentations
clubs - organizations - businesses
2021 50 Hurricane Webinars May into November
15 Climate Change in Person Talks
Numerous Radio interviews on several stations
2 Videos Produced on Climate Change - 1 on Hurricanes
2020 April 2020 Marion County Amateur Radio Club (MCARC) and
RadioSkyWarn spotters
2020 and 2021 hurricane seasons oultooks -
hurricane landfall cycles and ClimatePulse Technology
10 March 2020: Inverness - Lecanto Florida
Climate Change - unexpected climate disaster is coming
also includes predictions for sea levels rise/fall
26 February 2020: Villages - Florida
Climate Change - unexpected climate disaster is coming
also includes predictions for sea levels rise/fall
20 February 2020: Rotary Club of Ocala Florida and Silver Springs
Climate Change and the unexpected climate disaster is coming
18 February 2020: St. Petersburg, FL (large insurance company)
Climate Change Cycle - Hurricane landfall cycles - and the
Unexpected Climate Change Disaster between 2030-2040
16 January 2020: Lecanto FL - Military Officers Association of America
Climate Change - unexpected climate disaster is coming
also included: Predictions for sea levels rise/fall
Climate Change - Outlook 2025-2055 - response required by military
14 February 2020: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
2020 Southeast Region FGIA - AAMA Winter Meeting
AAMA (American Architectural Manufactures Assoc.
IGMA (Fenestration & Glazing Industry Alliance
Hurricane Outlook and Global Trends in Climate and Weather
07 February 2020 - Charleston SC.
International Hurricane Protection Assoc. (inthpa.com)
Hurricane Cycles - 2020 outlook - ClimatePulse Technology
Review of 2019 and the 2020 Hurricane Outlook.
Prof. David Dilley is the Senior Meteorologist-Climate scientist for
Global Weather Oscillations, Inc (GWO)
Senior research scientist - developed the "Natural Climate Pulse Cycle Model - NCPCM"
The Climate Pulse Cycle Model tracks historical events and projects them into the future
Internationally known Climate Change Speaker
Author of the eBook "Earth's Natural Climate Pulse" (free to read on this web site)
Author of numerous climate papers and articles distributed world-wide
Senior Research Scientist - Global Weather Oscillations Inc.
Formed GWO with the specific understanding that "climate and weather occurs in cycles.
Member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and National Weather Association (NWA)
Former Meteorologist and Manager with the National Weather Service
Overview of the Natural Climate Pulse Cycles -
The natural climate pulse of earth is governed by the PFM Primary Forcing Mechanisms cycles. These cycles range from daily (ocean tides) and more importantly every 6 months, 4 years, 9 years, 18 years, 72 years, 230 years, 1200 years and 130 thousand years. Earth is currently coming off a 230 year global warming cycle and dipping into a 120 year global cooling cycle. They come approximately every 230 years and we have had 5 during the past 1000 years. The last one ended in the year 1800 and was followed by dramatic cooling and a year of no summer in 1816.
During early stages of each global cooling cycle, historically strong volcanic activity usually occurs, resulting in unusually cold summer weather, worldwide crop failures, famine and disease. This scenario is not merely a coincidence, it happened in global cooling cycles with the volcano Eldgja in 934 AD, Ringitoto in 1350, Huaynaputina in 1600, Tambora in 1815, and will likely occur again during the upcoming dramatic global cooling cycle that will begin soon.
Climate Change Article - Mr. Dilley (CEO of GWO) - August and September 2015
Reviews - "a must read and must see from beginning to end"
(reviews by - NoTricksZone.com - iceagenow.info - climatedepot - JoanneNova.com- and more...
Full Article and other articles by Mr. Dilley click here
TV Interview and Video: - Is Climate Change Dangerous ?
video link click here YouTube link: click here
Professor David Dilley, former NOAA Meteorologist and current CEO and senior
research scientist - Global Weather Oscillations, Inc.
"We Are Now Starting To See A Dramatic Cooling In The Arctic”
”Extremely Cold” from 2025 To 2050
.... dangerous climate change coming after 2019 ....
Points made in the - TV Video Time period in the video
1. The 18+ years temperature pause is real. 4.09
2. Natural cycles are behind the current pause.
3. Ice cores show CO2 lags temperature. 5.00
4. 7000 years ago there was 50% less Arctic ice. 8.20
5. The 1000-year cycle is real. (9.20)
6. Planet has been cooling over past 10,000 years. 9.34
7. Natural cycles are driving our climate. 10.04
8. Shows cooling from 2023 to 2150.
9. Current warming is perfectly natural.
10. Milankovitch cycles driving large-scale cycles. 13.00
11. Gravitational forces can bulge Earth’s core by 1.4 km 15.35
12. Gravitational forces impact global temperature 17.20
13. Warming and cooling both begin at the poles (17.48)
14. Arctic warming/melt was caused by warm ocean pulses 19.50
15. “Now starting to see a dramatic cooling in the Arctic“. 22.50
16. “Arctic is cooling rapidly now. Rapidly!” 24.06
17. Both poles are cooling rapidly now. 25.05
18. Poles don’t show signs of warming. 26.30
19. Western drought and Eastern cold due to 26-year cycle. 27.55
20. Polar vortices due to Arctic/global cooling. (29.25)
21. Lunar cycles correlated with warming/cooling cycles. 31.30
22. Rapid global cooling by 2019. 32.00
23. “Temperature fiddling” are “more political than anything”. 32.56
24. “Could be the biggest scientific scandal ever”. 33.20
25. IPCC using “estimated temperatures”. 34.00
26. How the government manipulated, rewrote data. 36.00
27. “This is temperature fiddling.” Not the truth. 36.45
28. NASA, NOAA’s “politically driven press releases”. 37.00
29. Met Office calls NOAA’s 2014 claim untrue. 38.00
30. Major data fiddling, cheating by NOAA. 39.50
31. “The 97% consensus is bogus”. 41.00
32. John Cook cooked the consensus data. 41.30
33. 85% meteorologists say climate change is natural. 42.20
34. Global cooling is the real danger. 43.20
35. Volcanoes and cooling often correlated. 44.00
36. Crop failures from cooling “very likely”. 45.45
37. “Extremely cold” from 2025 to 2050. 46.36
38. Global cooling next 125 years. 47.00
39. “The cooling is coming”.
Lectures incorporate peer reviewed proven science and Mr. Dilley's Climate Pulse Research
Speaking Topics on Climate Change:
Complete update of Mr. Dilley's eBook "Is Climate Change Dangerous"?
Latest research findings on Climate Change by Researchers around the World
Proven Science Incorporating the well-known "Milinkovitch Cycles" and GWO's Climate Pulse Cycles
Eye opening presentation on the Earth's Climate Pulse and Global Warming 2002-2013 now ending.
Global cooling beginning 2013 and in full force later 2019. Very cold late 2019 through 2050.
Next Global Warming cycle 150 years from now.
No additional sea level rise after 2019
Retrieval of Historical Temperature Data
Past-Present and Future Climate Cycles (half million years ago to 100,000 years into the future)
El Nino - 1 year warming period in the high latitudes (Antarctic and Arctic) - winter of 2016 then cooling in 2017
Arctic and Antarctic cooling that began in 2013 - and above normal restoration of ice
Record Cold (2015) in Greenland and Ice Restoration in the Arctic
There was actually less ice in the Arctic 6,000 years ago
Where Carbon Dioxide comes from, and the carbon cycle
Cyclical 100 year fluctuations in Carbon Dioxide levels
Politically Driven Press Releases with False Data and Findings
Fiddling with Climate Data and "How to Lie Using Statistics"
Fiddling with the Data to eliminate the warming in the 1930s.
The cause of Global warming and Cooling Cycles
Global Warming and Cooling Cycles begin and end in the Artic and Antarctic
Dramatic Cooling and Restoration of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic the Past Few Years (except the 2016 El Nino winter)
Upcoming great Arctic Freeze and forecast into the future
Entering one of the most dangerous climate change periods of the past 1,200 years
Cutting edge forecasts for recurring 220 year climate change cycles (warming and cooling)
Cutting edge forecasts and climate research on 'Earth's carbon dioxide cycles"
Climate research conducted by David Dilley of Global Weather Oscillations Inc., links a naturally occurring
climate pulse to recurring cycles of global cooling, global warming, carbon dioxide, melting of the Arctic ice, and
the year of no summer in 1816.
Mr. Dilley's research directly links strong cycles of the Primary Forcing Mechanism (PFM) to the Earth's Natural
Climate Pulse. The eBook is a composite of Mr. Dilley's 25 years of research, and other peer reviewed research
by leading climatologists and climate researchers.
The eBook carries the reader through the Natural Carbon Dioxide cycles and temperature cycles during the
past half million years, and compares this to what is happening today. Natural Climate Cycles are likewise
incorporated to show the direct correlation between natural cycles and our current readings. Mr. Dilley demonstrates
that the current levels of carbon dioxide and temperature are perfectly normal for the cycles earth is currently in.
Natural cycles touch almost all phases of climate and weather. In this eBook and lectures by Mr. Dilley, it is
shown that almost all weather / climate events occur in cycles, such as the Super Storm Sandy that struck the
northeast United States in 2012 and the Great Mississippi River Flood in 2011. Both events were predicted well in
advance by tracking natural cycles.
The natural climate pulse of earth is governed by the PFM cycles. These cycles range from daily (ocean tides)
and more importantly every 6 months, 4 years, 9 years, 18 years, 72 years, 230 years, 1200 years and 130 thousand
years. Earth is currently coming off a 230 year global warming cycle and dipping into a 120 year global cooling cycle.
They come approximately every 230 years and we have have had 5 during the past 1000 years. The last one ended
in the year 1800 and was followed by dramatic cooling and a year of no summer in 1816.
During early stages of each global cooling cycle, historically strong volcanic activity usually occurs, resulting in unusually
cold summer weather, worldwide crop failures, famine and disease. This scenario is not merely a coincidence, it
happened in global cooling cycles with the volcano Eldgja in 934 AD, Ringitoto in 1350, Huaynaputina in 1600, Tambora
in 1815, and will likely occur again during the upcoming dramatic global cooling cycle that will begin soon.
Read the truth about our Cyclical Climate - or just being Politically Correct.